SEO promotion, Best Website Promotion, Cheap Price ➤ LuxSite

SEO promotion will bring your website to the top and help you to beat the competition.

More than 50% of users view only the first page of search results, 36% reach the second or the third. If your company is not in the first positions of results — you lose profits every day. After all, potential customers go to competitors, who have taken care of their website promotion. If your website cannot be found by thematic search queries, it means that it does not sell.

Do you want the website to sell and make a profit — take care of its SEO promotion.

SEO promotion is a stable tool for sales growth

Imagine that you are the owner of a store with exclusive clothes, located in the heart of the capital — on Khreshchatyk. Every day you have a high flow of visitors, fashionable women come to you from Lviv and Kharkov, you work without days off and holidays. You are successful and get a good profit.

Now imagine that your website is a “store”, and the Internet is a megapolis. For your website to become “the best store in the heart of the capital,” you need SEO. This is a monthly fee for a high flow of customers and the constant growth of the business. Without website promotion in search engines, your store will be an unknown point in one of the sleeping areas of the city.

Website promotion in search engines: how the process goes

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)is website promotion for search queries in Google and Yandex. Top positions in search results mean more traffic and a constant flow of new customers. In digital marketing, website promotion in search engines is compared to the foundation, to which all other blocks are adjusted.

The LuxSite team of experts has involved in SEO for more than 10 years and is one of the strongest on the market. We will do everything to make your website liked by search engines seriously and for a long time.

SEO promotion includes several important steps:

  • Comprehensive website audit. 
    Identifies weaknesses, functional flaws, technical errors, problems with usability that need to be corrected. 
  • Niche analysis and evaluation of competitors, drawing up a promotion strategy. It is a roadmap that will lead your website to the high positions in search results.
  • Collection of the maximally complete semantic core.
    The task is to expand the target audience and not to miss a single potential client.
  • Internal optimization.
    Eliminates errors and problems that inhibit website promotion in search engines.
  • External optimization.
    Includes building quality external link weight and creation of a link profile for your resource.
  • Unique and interesting content.
    Expands semantics, lead new visitors. It is the kind of information that search engines and ordinary visitors like.

You do not need to delve into the details of the internal and external optimization process. You need sales and new customers. And how to achieve this with the help of website promotion is our task. We develop a comprehensive strategy for optimization and promotion, implement effective solutions, monitor progress, and promptly respond to changes in the situation.

Why do you need to order website promotion from LuxSite

We build a comprehensive strategy for SEO promotion

We approach SEO optimization comprehensively and systemic: we provide a comprehensive audit of the site, analysis of the niche and competitive environment, fix errors, optimize the website, bringing it to the first positions of search results.

We guarantee results

We raised more than 150 projects to the first positions of search results from scratch. The team of SEO specialists has extensive experience of work with complex and non-standard websites. It is a guarantee that we will find the right solution for any client request.

Clear reports

We regularly prepare reports on work done, so you are aware of the dynamics and progress of the project. These are not all for numbers — all information is presented visually and in a convenient format.

You are always aware of what is going on

Formation of the strategy, budgeting, current project tasks — you are always aware of all processes. A team of SEO specialists and a personal account manager work with your project.

Results of effective website promotion in Google

Website promotion in Google will provide you with high positions, targeted traffic to the website, new customers and as a result — an increase in profits:

  • bringing queries to the top 3 and top 10;

  • increase of organic targeted traffic;

  • increase in the number of targeted applications and appeals.

Tariff packages

Website promotion with LuxSite is a guaranteed result. We have created several price lists with a different set of options specifically for the needs of your business.

The experience of our specialists is confirmed not only by beautiful advertising texts but by real cases in highly competitive niches.View all SEO cases

Website promotion, price – order website promotion from LuxSite




Number of keys

< 30 30-100 100-300 > 300

Number of external articles

< 4 4-6 6-12 > 12

The budget for articles

< 1000 < 2000 < 4000 > 4000

Number of links

10 20 30 > 30

Internal articles

~4, 12000 characters ~6, 18000 characters ~10, 30000 characters >30000 characters


Paid audit – 1st month

Comprehensive SEO audit that will help identify problems in the internal and external site optimization. A detailed description of errors on the site, making recommendations for their elimination.

Collecting the semantic core — 1st month

Collecting a list of requests for website promotion in organic search. Clustering requests and distributing them across the pages of the site. The results are presented in the form of a table with a frequency (the number of search keywords for the region being promoted for the month) and competitiveness (complexity of the search query in the top) of the collected keywords.

Competitive analysis

Definition of competing sites; comprehensive analysis of internal and external optimization, usability, structure of competitor sites; making recommendations for improving the promoted site.

Organizational work of the manager (coordination of work).

Communication with the client, reporting to the client about the work and the results of the promoted site

3 hours 5-6 hours 17-20 hours от 20 hours


A set of measures aimed at improving the site according to the requirements of search engines to increase the relevance of the site in organic search.

Writing a technical task to correct mistakes

Drawing up a manual for a programmer to correct technical errors on a site found by a complex SEO audit.

Collecting an anchor list, interlinking

Collection of natural and branded requests for anchor sheet, distribution of anchor sheet on the site, drawing up a plan for 3-6 months. Realization of internal linking of the site for the correct distribution of the weight of pages on the site and improving the visibility of pages in search results.

Technical work programmer

Correction of errors on the site according to a specialist prepared by the seo, verification of the correctness of the work done.


The complex of works aimed at improving the reputation of the site in the network. Building up the link mass (getting links to the site being promoted) from quality resources

Analysis of incoming links (once every three months)

Quality check referring domains to the site. The deviation of poor-quality links through the tool disavow-links-main.

Technical task for the copywriter for external articles

Drawing up a copywriter on the collected keywords for writing articles that will be posted on external subject sites with reference to the website being promoted.

Writing blog articles

Writing unique, high-quality texts on the landing pages of the site or in the blog section on a specialist who has been compiled by seo. We write interesting, competent, relevant content, optimized for search queries.

Writing external articles

We write unique, optimized texts for search queries that will be posted on external resources with a link to your site.

Preparation, placement and payment of articles

Placement of articles on external thematic sites with reference to the site being promoted. All articles are posted on paid resources. Customer receives quality perpetual links.

Formulation of the problem to the link builder

Seo setting by a specialist for linkbilder on crowd-linking (links from forums, blogs, comments under video and articles). External links will help increase the visibility of the site in a search engine, increase brand awareness.

Link search

Analysis of the competitor’s reference profile, search for thematic sites, selection of high-quality donors from which links to the promoted website will be put.

Links placement

Linklinker seo specialist puts links to external resources (links from forums, blogs, comments under the video and articles). External links will help increase the visibility of the site in a search engine, increase brand awareness.


Internal SEO optimization (from 5 to 10 hours)

75 USD 75 USD 75 USD 75 USD

Internal SEO optimization (more than 10 hours)

each hour of work of a specialist is paid separately at the rate of 500 UAH / hour

Maps promotion

The complex of works aimed at promoting local BUSINESS in Google Maps in order to obtain additional leads (potential customers).

20 USD

Google My Busines

Google My Business is a tool with which you can submit your BUSINESS to Google Maps and other services. Seo specialist, if necessary, creates a company in Google My Business, and also fills in a company profile with information about BUSINESS.

20 USD 20 USD

– development

– settings

Additional support of the project manager

Website affected by search filters

12 USD/hour 12 USD/hour 12 USD/hour 12 USD/hour

Website affected by search filters

Check whether the site is under the filter, determine which filter is superimposed on the site, take measures aimed at deriving the site from under the filter.

discussed separately discussed separately discussed separately discussed separately

Package price

1200 USD 666

1200 USD

(5 % discount)


3200 USD

(7 % discount)

agreed in person

Choose the package


Promotion of websites of family business type with the low competition with a list of key queries up to 30. Suitable for a business that is just starting its promotion on the Internet.


It is suitable for most businesses that are actively promoting on the Internet and have their unique niche in one subject with a list of key queries up to 100.


Online stores, corporate sites with catalogs of highly competitive goods and an average number of promoted queries up to 300. A perfect option for those, who receive their main orders via the Internet.


Large online stores, corporate sites with product catalogs, informational portals and catalogs that actively sell goods and services on the Internet or promote a large amount of content with a large number of key queries.


Мы помогли более чем 450 клиентам
в развитии их бизнеса











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